22" X 30" - "Nest VIII" Original Ink Drawing

22" X 30" - "Nest VIII" Original Ink Drawing
Title: Nest VIII,
Size: 22 inches wide by 30 inches high
Medium: Original ink drawing
Paper: Stonehenge 100% Cotton Printmaking Paper
Authentic: Signed by artist Andrew Naeger
Every nest I draw I discover in nature, either found on the ground after a storm, or photographed in its natural environment. I carefully study and document leaving the natural habitat undisturbed as possible. This nest was most recently inhabited by a Eastern Blue Bird, which are common in Missouri where it was found.
From MDC.MO.org: As our official state bird, the eastern bluebird holds a special pride for Missourians. Its cheerful song and delightful bright blue plumage make it a pleasure to see, and bluebirds have long been associated with the idea of happiness. These lovable birds are a herald of springtime, and it's a joy to watch them raise their families in nearby bluebird boxes.
During breeding season, bluebirds and several other types of songbirds become extra territorial and may attack their reflections in mirrors and glass. To prevent injury to the bird, cover the reflective surface with fabric, paper, paint, or stickers. A big old sock or a grocery bag fits nicely over rearview mirrors.
Several musicians have written songs that reference bluebirds: Charlie Parker, Miranda Lambert, Paul McCartney, Stephen Stills, and Karrin Allyson. Two of these musicians, jazz performers Parker and Allyson, are strongly tied to Kansas City, Missouri!
Note, these are unframed prints. Each are printed and hand signed at time of order. Limited edition inventory.