Cerulean II

Cerulean II


Part of a series researching, exporing and creating dialogue on the topic of the relationship of humans and birds. In this series, the main subject are warbler species and specifically in this work, the Cerulean Warbler. Drawn on neutral toned 100% cotton printmaking paper with archival black ink and accented with colored ink wash. Cerulean II features has a red sun which signifies an ever increasing threat the sun coffee crops have on its environment. While this warbler has a beautiful sound, the open beak is rendered more like a call to action, for the viewer to take notice and create dialogue on this topic. I have plans to continue this series and allow it to evolve to other warbler species with their specific habitat symbolically represented.

Read the journal entry for the context, symbolism and research behind this series here: https://www.andrewnaeger.com/journal/cerulean

Purchase Art
The Nest III - Ink Drawing IMG_0951.jpg
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The Nest III - Ink Drawing

22" X 30" - "Alaina, Peacock" Limited Edition Fine Art Replica Print alaina-peafowl-1.JPG

22" X 30" - "Alaina, Peacock" Limited Edition Fine Art Replica Print

12" X 17" - "Compassion and Contempt, King Vulture" Giclee Fine Art Print vulture-DE42036F-B557-4720-A527-16F648A05765.JPG

12" X 17" - "Compassion and Contempt, King Vulture" Giclee Fine Art Print

22" X 30" - "Hannah, Egret" Limited Edition Replica Fine Art Print hannah-3.JPG

22" X 30" - "Hannah, Egret" Limited Edition Replica Fine Art Print

12" X 17" - "Eastern Bluebird Nest" GICLEE FINE ART PRINT Blue Bird Nest In Blue Ink 2.jpg

12" X 17" - "Eastern Bluebird Nest" GICLEE FINE ART PRINT
